Sentenial joins Natural Security Alliance and announces adoption of the Natural Security standard for Nuapay

octobre 2, 2015

Sentenial has announced that is has joined the Natural Security Alliance and it has implemented its strong authentication standard in its Nuapay payment collection solution. This means that businesses and their clients will both now benefit from the use of secure and simple direct debit transactions.

Natural Security’s standard applied the “one-click” approach to a variety of scenarios; dispelling the perceived complexity and difficulty associated with setting up direct debit collections. This should also reduce the amount of abandoned transactions for businesses.

By joining Natural Security, Sentenial has expanded to potential applications of Nuapay by making it possible to allow physical face-to-face setting up of direct debits at the point of sale.

“This announcement confirms the operational readiness of our authentication standard and its suitability for making all electronic transactions possible” commented Cédric Hozanne, CEO of Natural Security Alliance. “Now direct debits can also benefit from the simplified user experience that makes transactions quick to carry out while guaranteeing explicit user consent.”

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